Quality Weight Loss Auto Responder Follow Up Sequence That Can Make You Money While You Sleep!


Hi, just wanted to let you know that I’ve also got 2 follow up sequences you can literally plug into your auto responder, add a product and start generating opt-ins and sales

Here’s a fair Warning:

Most people who receive any kind of how to information or any kind of money making material fail to make any money at all. That’s why I’m not promising you’ll make any money with this content. However, I would like to let you know what has worked for me and give you the exact templates and emails that worked so well form me.

Both follow up sequences are up to 7 emails long, with story telling, persuasion elements scattered all over the email to make your conversions effortless.


Here’s what you get:

This follow up sequence is disguised as “free training” but only tells half the story, then your audience has to buy your product to get the whole story…

Email 1: Thank you for joining

Email 2: Revealing an Awesome Weight Loss Formula and links to offer

Email 3: Startling Facts About HFCS + a pitch to an offer (Literally just add your affiliate link)

Email 4: Relationship Building email + a high quality pitch

Email 5: Continues the story from email 4 and naturally lures people through your affiliate link

Email 6: Talks about what “bad” foods are and what not to eat

Email 7: This Email is about how to eat out in restaurants while on a diet and it contains a hidden, natural pitch at the end.


This follow up sequence is disguised as “free training” but only tells half the story, then your audience has to buy your product to get the whole story…

Email 1: Welcomes your reader and gives away good content that forces them to turn to you with their problems, so you can make more money

Email 2: This email discusses the importance of insulin for weight loss, then pitches a solution at the end.

Email 3: Discusses common carb traps that makes loosing a single pound almost impossible, include your affiliate link in the natural pitch at the end

Email 4: Reveals how to use fat to in a special way so the reader can drop dress sizes in a matter of weeks.

Email 5: This email discuss why the French people are so skinny

Email 6: Uses massive reverse psychology to make your reader want to buy your product

These are the kind of email clients will pay up to $80 per email to have me write and today you can get these two follow up sequences for only $12 dollars WITH Private Label Rights

That means you can add content, edit content and brand it as your own, put these two email sequences to work for you today!

But wait, that’s not all, you might think I’ve forgot your opt-in pages.

Today you’ll also get 2 pre-sell squeeze pages to put in front of your opt-in pages to generate massive goodwill in the market.

These 2 pre-sell squeeze pages are designed to make people raving fans, add themselves to your list and literally WANT to hear from you.


When you buy this content pack you’ll get these 2 pre-sell marketing pieces FREE with your purchase today!


Pre-sell #1: How to Lose Weight in Your 40s and Beyond

Pre-sell #2: 4 Keys to Rapid Fat Loss

As I mentioned earlier these 2 marketing pieces are full of story telling and persuasion elements that will force the reader to opt-in to your list.

And today you get them for free when you purchase your 2 follow up sequences


Here’s my PLR Rules:

Don’t mention my name.

Don’t resell this content.  

Don’t give it away for free.

My Ridiculous Love It Or Keep it Guarantee:


As always you have my ridiculous 60 day money back guarantee to let you review your content, deploy it for 60 days and still get your money back if it doesn’t work for you the way it’s intended.

With this guarantee you have cannot lose and you’ve got everything to gain!



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This product is being sold by: Fredrik Bakke with a 60 days refund period.
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