Beat the Banksters in Less than a Year.

Perpetual war, police state, environmental and dollar collapse. Is this the world you want for yourself?

History repeats and our ancient ancestors suffered as usurped, debt slaves as we do today. What did they do?


Jubilee: from Bank Colony to Art Colony

"Jubilee, Let it Be!"

The monopoly Banksters have been warring on humanity silently through an invisible form of debt slavery. "Money Rules" and by ruling money the .001% money power has divided and conquered humanity. Solution? The "have-nots" must ISSUE their own money then hire the enforcers. Only then with the enforcers work for the People instead of the Banksters. We can even finance social and civil programs without inflation, debt and taxes. This is the ultimate win-win solution to unite the political Left and Right.

Jubilee has seven aspects:

1. Debt forgiveness

2. Return of stolen land

3. Release of captives

4. Restoration of the Land

5. "Have-nots" issue their own usuryFree, anti-monopoly money

6. Replacement of Bank Colony with Art Colony. 

7. Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with "peace of mind" for all. 


This is the non-violent military strategy given to Joshua to dissolve "stone walls" of division at the Battle of Jericho. Debt slaves in and out of uniform unite and conflict is resolved without violence. Our Creator revealed this epic plan to beat the Banksters quickly. That plan is called: "Operation Jericho"

"Operation Jericho": A non-violent, military campaign to beat the Banksters & emancipate debt slaves through Jubilee money reform in less than 1 year. 

Your purchase includes: Ebook and approximately 3 hour professionally narrated audio book. Hope, joy and Jubilee! 









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