"Who Else Wants To Discover How To Turn Their Passion Into Profit Online..?"
(and get up and running within 21 days or less)

If that’s you, then you’re in the right place!

I’ve got lots of good news for you, because my training and coaching will
show you exactly how to do just that.

My name’s Gordon Bryan, and since the training shows how to go online
and turn your passion into profit, I called it...

Online Passion Profits!

I did say I had good news for you about it, and here we go, because I’ll be
telling you how to do it without…

- Without selling your soul to the devil.
- Without burning the candle at both ends so much you run out of candle.
- Without getting bogged down in tech, blimey you don’t even need a website.

In fact, not only do you not need a website, you won’t need software or
apps, and once you’ve grabbed the training, there is no added cost involved.

All you need is a device and an internet connection, and since you’re
reading this, you already have what you need!

Online Passion Profits!

There’s more good news...

I originally planned to deliver this training in the form of a 1 to 1 zoom call,
but I had some reservations about this, because...
a) not everyone likes going on zoom calls,
b) it’s a fair amount of information to get into an hour, which might leave
people overwhelmed, which is not what we want at all(!), and
c) a zoom call can fall into the trap of dumping the information and leaving
you to get on with it yourself.

So, I decided to tweak and expand the package a bit…

I now deliver the training in a recorded video, which gives you the
opportunity to watch it in your own time, pause it, take notes, etc.

Plus, as well as telling you how to turn your passion into profit online, I
wanted to show you as well, and more than that, *help* you along the

That’s why along with the training, you get a full month inside a private
community with others doing exactly the same as you.
That will give you access to me for help, plus inspiration and motivation
from everyone in the group.

It’s massively valuable, and means you’re not left to get on with it just by

I’ll show you, step by step-

What to sell.
How much for.
Who to.
And how.

So, what's the cost..?

It’s £99.

That’s it.

£99 for the training giving you simplification and clarity on how to turn your passion into profit online, with the key added bonus of a full month inside a private FB community.
(The training and the community is inside a private FB group, so you will need to have a Facebook account).

Online Passion Profits!

Do I offer a guarantee..?

Good question, to which I’ve got a good answer!

When it comes to financial results, I can give no guarantees.
Any results you get will depend on actions you take, and then actions others take as a result, i.e. customers.

There is simply no way to predict either of those two, and anyone saying otherwise should be treated with huge caution.
All sorts of ethical and legal issues to do so, so I don’t.


I *can* guarantee that if you follow the instructions in the training, you WILL get your offer up and running online, ready to take sales, within 21 days or less.
It can be done much quicker than that, but 21 days gives some breathing room to take away unnecessary time deadlines.

Also... (more good news)...

This bit should take away any lingering doubts, if you haven’t already decided to snap up my offer -
if you grab the training, and don’t think it delivers, you get your money back.

That’s right, I offer a full 100% money back guarantee for 14 days if you don’t like the training.

That’s because a huge part of this training is based on integrity, my integrity, and that means I’m more than happy to offer this guarantee, because it puts the onus on me to deliver, which is just
how it should be.

So to sum up...

- I’ll show you how to turn YOUR passion into profit online.

-Without having to sell your soul to the devil.
-Without having to burn the candle at both end so much that you run out of candle.
-Without getting bogged down with tech, you don’t even need a website.

-If you have a device and an internet connection, you’re good to go.
-I’ll show you exactly what to sell, who to sell it to, and how.

-For £99, with no added costs after that, no software, no apps to download, you get the recorded training, plus one month in a private Facebook community with others doing the same as you, to provide access and help from me with any questions, and motivation and inspiration from being part of that community.

Financial results can’t be guaranteed, simply because I have no idea what action you’ll take if any, but the training itself has a 14 day money back guarantee. Don’t like it? You get your money back.

Blimey, even as I’ve been writing this letter it’s made me want to snap up my own training!
You have nothing to lose, and all kind of possible wins on the other side - I look forward to welcoming you on board!

Online Passion Profits!

Wishing you health & happiness,

P.S. I can't make your choices for you.
There's no hard sell going on from me here, because that's not the way I operate.
If you don't feel this offer is for you, then it's not for you, but if you'd like to turn your passion into profit online, with my training and a full month inside the private customer community, with a 100% 14 day money back guarantee, now's the time to jump on board..!