Anima Medica means the Soul of Medicine.

It is about the subtle healing energies of biological information, consciousness, emotions and the spirit in all things.

This book will change how you look at healing, and at life itself.

Among the broad range of topics integrated into this encyclopedic volume are the ORMUS Spirit Minerals that make up the Holy Grail of the immortal vessel that holds the consciousness of the soul, the Flower Essences that communicate on the level of our thoughts and emotions, Homeopathy as a stimulatory photo-energetic regulatory medicine, Color Therapy and Infrared Therapy as direct quantum healing, and Electromagnetic Frequencies from the work of Rife and other pioneers.

This book is both a reference book for all types of energy medicines and a breakthrough in understanding of healing and life itself. It is organized around the Clinical Theory of Everything, which is the first explicit model to include an explanation of consciousness and immortality of the soul grounded in current science.


Anima Medica

If you ever find yourself looking for answers to accelerate your healing, you will want Anima Medica and Materia Medica on your digital bookshelf.

This is a companion volume to Dr. Glen Swartwout's Materia Medica, a compendium of the healing substances of medicine.

Both works are subtitled Vis Medicatrix Naturae, which means the healing power of nature.

The structure of this two volume encyclopedia makes explicit the natural division of body and spirit that has long plagued Western science, thought, culture and medicine.

At the same time, both works bring a unique synthesis and healing vision to mend that division. 





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