Purchase this AMAZING novella "Super Holiday Girl: The Book Of Hope" and you could be the winner of a Super Gift Certificate.



The Epilogue

After “breaking rules”, Super Holiday Girl is willing to do what it takes to win over her Uncle Nick’s trust and confidence. Her and her sidekick Shy-e set out on a journey to try and save four lives of people whose holiday is on the brink of destruction.

Kathy Gramm’s marriage is on the rocks. Will her mother-in-law finally succeed in breaking up her union to her son Johnny?

Toby Brown is a young boy who puts his life in jeopardy to save his mother from the hands of a bad man has finally met his match.

Sandy Adams’ only wish is to get her parents to trust in God again. Will time run out for this young girl who’s clinging to life?

Jacob Strong is left heartbroken and dangling from a bridge. Has he finally caused the end of his own life?

Will these tests be too much for Super Holiday Girl?





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