Learn the hush hush truth that helps new and experienced writers jump into the challenging world of publishing without getting burned at the stake.

From Unknown Author to Best Selling Author.

“Confirm your story rocks before you publish it”  



Dear Kindle Writer :

Let's imagine you've written a book. You get it edited.You pick out a rocking title. You get a banging cover.You click the publish button on Amazon and...It just doesn't do well. The reviews may suck. The promotions might not work.Something is missing and your confidence as a writer is GONE. This could be easily avoided by doing one simple thing.

Getting a beta reader.

What's a beta reader – a person you choose either for pay or for free to read the manuscript of your story and give you valuable feedback about your story, plot and characters.


Wattpad.com is the best example of beta readers is a site that is extremely popular among people who write. 


But that won't always work. 

Sometimes you need more than comments from strangers. 

Sometimes you need direct advice. 

Sometimes you need true help. 

Sometimes you need guidance.


Introducing :

The Need to Know About Beta Readers.


Within this hot sheet you'll learn:
  1. What beta readers do including quotes from people who have many.
  2. What to look for in a beta reader and where to find them.
  3. What do to when you are desperate.


This book could be your first step to a best selling book.


The Need to Know About Beta Readers



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