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Dear Friend,


If you weren’t a little skeptical after reading the headline, I’d be shocked. I just promised you a secret to bring you peace based on the one thing you can control!


Who am I to make that claim?!


My name is Eric Campbell. It’s a pleasure to meet you, wherever you are on your path right now. I am not a psychologist. I am not a doctor.


I am a pianist.


I know what you're thinking. How is a pianist going to be able to give me the secret to stress management?!




Stress was a constant in my life!




Stress is a constant as a musician. 


Can I pay my bills, doing what I love? Am I good enough?! Will I be prepared in time? Do I have everything I need to perform at my best all the time? What if I’m judged by fellow musicians? What if I’m judged by my audience as not good enough? What if I play my heart out, and still can’t support myself? Should I give up my dream and just get a different job?!




I came upon the secret to stress management by battling it, every day, 24/7. If you are reading this, then that means I am just like you. Stress was taking over, and making it hard to live on a day-by-day basis. When I was in school or an important rehearsal, if I let my stress take over for even a few minutes, everything I had worked hard to prepare completely failed. If I was in a group, there was no point even continuing working that day. My fear of being judged and looked down on was crushing. I hope, on your own journey, your stress has not laid you low like this. 






The One Thing You Need to Control Your Stress!




I wasn't aware of the ONE THING I could control to never allow my stress to crush me ever again, to have lasting peace. And that is: 




I am no medical professional. But I do understand stress. I understand stress very well. I grappled with it every day of my life. When fear shut me down, then that made it harder to afford living expenses, harder to afford food, let alone make it harder that people would trust me as a musician again.


I had to learn how to control myself, my mentality, my physiology, in order to chase away any thoughts of stress. This is why you cannot toss together a couple of techniques and call that the extent of your stress management routine. You need to understand the concepts behind the techniques, why they work, and how to adjust a technique to fit you!


My understanding led me to the secret of stress management. I fought stress every day so that I could understand what stress really is. That’s the secret that I go over in The Stress-Management Manual.


Imagine this for a moment. Picture the most powerful cause of stress you have in your life right now. A terrible boss. A chaotic work environment. An incredibly unstable financial situation, with a spouse and children placing their hopes on you to feed them and shelter them. Whatever it is for you. I’m not going to pretend to know what is causing you the most stress right now. 


Now picture facing that thing, that circumstance, that person, and feeling COMPLETELY EMPOWERED to handle it! NO FEAR! Just faith in your own capability to handle your stress and your situation. You know, without a shadow of a doubt, that YOU ARE GREATER THAN YOUR CHALLENGE!




The Stress-Management Manual is the

Most Powerful Method


All You Need is YOU!




With the Manual, I teach you to do the only thing that could possibly be better than feeling completely empowered. I teach you how to create that feeling whenever you need, in regards to any area of your life! The way to do that comes from understanding the concepts that make stress-management techniques effective, the concepts that bring clarity and power to your own vision, and the concept that underlies ALL STRESS!


So here's my question.


Are you ready to dominate your stress and feel empowered in whatever you do?


Here's a quick list, just so we can be sure!



ARE YOU tired of stress being such a constant factor in your life?



HAVE YOU held onto dreams and done nothing with them out of FEAR?



DO YOU want to start new dreams and have NOTHING STAND IN YOUR WAY?



If you answered yes to any of these, then you easily have the drive and resolve to learn how to take control of your life, dominate your stress, and feel empowered in whatever you do!


You already have the power. Like I said earlier, it comes from using the one thing YOU can truly control: YOURSELF!


But I do need to warn you.




I cannot guarantee your success because your results are based on you. If the Manual just sits on your desktop, never being opened, then there's nothing I can do! For this to work, YOU will need to act. YOU will need to read the book. YOU will need to try the techniques. YOU will need to work with the concepts. 




What if the techniques don't work?!




There's nothing worse than trying something, and realizing that it doesn't work for you. That's what got me so frustrated with other stress management courses. They only teach techniques! But a technique that helps one person may have no effect for another! 


I give techniques at the start of the Manual, so that you can get started right away. But the real power comes from working with concepts, the principles on which we build technique. Concepts that help you gain clarity towards what makes you happy. Concepts that help you get to the root of stress. The underlying that is present in all stress, and how to target that! 


Techniques can fail. But the concepts behind stress, clarity, etc. do not fail. They are simply descriptions of the nature of things. You can use the concepts to experiment and build your own techniques, so that you find the ones that work for you! 


The concepts are the secret weapons that you control to dominate your stress!


This is the most powerful stress management series out there, because it is based solely on YOU! YOU determine how quickly this works! 




With what you’re promising, are you going to ask me for

an arm, a leg,

my first-born and a puppy?!




This information, the secret behind stress management, the way to be empowered, is worth quite the fortune. You learn to use your own power to abolish your stress and accomplish what you would like. At least, the information is valuable if I start teaching it to others. If I just keep it here at home, to myself, then it's the same as if you leave it on your desktop. Our lives are not improving. Nothing gets better! I want this to be available. I want the world to experience the awesome sensation of having more empowered, free people living in it.


So, no. I will not demand the $1000 price that this information is worth. 


I’m not going to ask for $100, and say “Well, it’s only 10% the original price! That’s a 90% savings!” That’s still not making it very accessible...


So today, The Stress Management Manual is only $47.


As I said before, I CANNOT guarantee you will have success with this, because you will need to put in the effort to read the book, work through the techniques, and understand the concepts. But if you do those things, really give it your all, then…




But just in case you’re still not sure, I’ll make you a deal. If you try the book, and feel that nothing’s working out for you, or this isn’t right for you, or whatever else within 30 days, feel free to request a refund. I’ll send you your money back, no questions asked.


However, if this book changes your life, if it helps you move forward through your stress into a new era for you, one with joy and passion, where you go boldly towards your dreams, leaving your stress behind, then this book will have accomplished what I hoped for it, and what I sincerely hope for you!


The world needs more people playing at their best, without stress. 


You can be one of them.


Thanks for hearing me out. I hope to meet you on the other side.


Sincerely yours,

Eric Campbell


How to Use the One Thing You Can Really Control to Dominate Your Stress, Achieve Peace, and build Your True Happiness!



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