From the desk of Pat Flanagan,

I've been involved in various areas of online marketing since 1997. I've made money from selling "hard" goods (stuff that has to be shipped) as well as digital goods. Each has its own set of challenges, advantages and disadvantages.

However, if there's one thing they all have in common, it's this...

Every online venture. . . including yours. . .
will DIE without TRAFFIC.

Like I said, I've been through the trenches on this, so I know exactly what you're going through. I've fought for search engine traffic, only to have it disappear for no reason during an algorithm shakeup. I've spent countless hours on feeder sites and backlinks. I've chased shaky loopholes that only work for a short time, leaving you to find the next shaky loophole. I've spent good money on traffic without really knowing if it would pay off or not.

Sound familiar? It's a real drag.

But the online world is a bit different now. Now we have social media sites where your message can potentially reach tens or even hundreds of thousands in minutes... where people share posts that they like with their friends, effortlessly expanding your reach, without you having to lift a finger.

That's called going viral, an amazingly efficient way to accumulate eyeballs that are specifically interested in a niche subject. Of course there's some work involved at the start... but once you've built up a social presence to a certain point, it takes on a life of its own, growing and expanding with very little effort on your part.

Think about it... If you had a product you wanted to promote to, say, 15,000 people, and you had no email list, how would you do it? And how long would it take?

What if it took 1 minute or less? And then, what if some of those 15,000 people actually shared your message with their friends?

It's like your own army of unpaid salespeople.

Just look at these numbers from an actual Facebook post...

What could've possibly gotten so many likes, shares and comments? You might think it was a video, because videos are the hot thing now, right? Well, you'd be wrong, because...

. . . it was just a photo.

That's right, a single photo... and a very normal photo, actually. Well, there were also FOUR whole words posted in the description. Pretty amazing, eh? Think about if that post had one of your marketing messages in it.

And with photos, you don't have the time and technical know-how involved with creating and editing videos. If you want to do those RIGHT, it DOEStake effort. Photos are sooooooooo much easier.

Oh, one more thing... Here are the stats for the Facebook page where that photo was posted...

Think those numbers are unreachable? It must've taken years to build up that many followers, right? Think again...

. . . that page was started THIS YEAR.

Want to know what Facebook page that is, and how you can build up the same heavy duty traffic, leveraging it to your websites and offers? Then you need...

Photo Traffic Power

PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER -- How To Build Massive Amounts Of Traffic With Photos & Social Media is a new eBook detailing strategic ways to use photos on Facebook, free blogging sites (Tumblr, specifically) and Twitter to generate huge traffic. Step-by-step instructions and screenshots for setting up Facebook Pages and Tumblr blogs are included, plus case studies of Facebook pages (including the one I just showed you) that are pulling big numbers with photos.

PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER makes it easy. You get...

  • The three POWER NICHES that pull in more traffic than any other photos...
  • The quickest most headache-free way to create a Facebook page, including screenshots...
  • A little known way to ensure your Facebook page posts are seen by your viewers, without paying...
  • Case studies of 4 very high traffic Facebook pages (including that 3 million Likes wonder I mentioned earlier) showing what they're doing right... and what they're doing wrong, so you don't make the same mistakes...
  • The single best free blogging platform to use -- it's the simplest, it's the quickest, and it's in the top 20 busiest sites in the US, so you know they're bursting with traffic...
  • The single best way to lay out your free blog posts for maximum impact -- it's simpler than you think...
  • Should you use big or small images on your free blogs? It's not what you think...
  • Another easy, busy social media site you can use to expand the reach of your Facebook page and blogs...
  • How to do your money links so that you never get stuck with an unproductive offer...
  • Six ways to monetize this traffic you're building -- you'll be shocked to see how many high traffic Facebook pages aren't doing ANY of them! suggestions of what to do with the traffic for maximum impact, as well as resources for photos and affiliate programs, all in an in-depth but non-techy easy-to-digest format.

Get PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER Now At A Ridiculous Low Price!

You can get PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER right now for what you'd pay for a medium-quality lunch (maybe Quizno's instead of Subway). A price this low is a no brainer, when you think about the numbers I showed you. With those numbers, a 1/2% response can yield a major income.

But don't let the low price fool you, PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER contains quality actionable information that you can use right now to start quickly building up a social media traffic empire with photos.





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