If you think you have to go on a diet to lose weight... then think again! Introducing...
I Lost 68 Pounds in Just 8 weeks Plus a Total of 106 Pounds Effectively Saving My Life!
Stunningly Simple Weight Loss “Loophole” Allows You To Effortlessly Blast Off Pounds And Inches... While Eating MORE!
New recently discovered Ivy League research reveals a protocol that allows you to effortlessly lose weight while you continue to eat all your favorite foods.
HI, My name is Matt Ryncarz.
I am a personal trainer and health advocate.

What I am about to share with you is my personal, life changing story...
Of how I went from being obese and “pronounced to be dead” by my doctors to losing 68 pounds in 8 weeks and 106 pounds in 16 weeks – effectively saving my own life!

YES! Then I went on the lose an incredible 115 pounds and had the physique to make a men's fitness magazine cover!
I did this without hours of exercise, restrictive diets, surgery, or drugs whatsoever.

Plus I have helped hundreds of women and men achieve the body of their dreams! 

You will most likely let out a cry of Steaming Outrage when you discover that this simple method has been KNOWN and HIDDEN in the medical community for years. 

I am no different than you probably are. 

I followed so many so-called weight loss regimens including counting calories, carb restriction, appetite suppressants, group meetings and hours of tortuous exercise. 

You name it. I tried it. 

The South beach Diet. Atkins. Beverley hills Diet. Paleo. And more! 

None of them made sense, but worse than that, they did not work. 

They were all too restrictive and unsustainable. 

I was always tired and hungry to the point where I felt like I was starving. 

My belly continued to grow and my muscles were shrinking... along with my confidence and desire to go in public. 

I felt like I was in fat guy prison.  
What I am going to share with you today is so revolutionary and so controversial... yet so incredibly easy, you will probably cry FOUL!
Today, you’ll discover the Metabolic Loophole Story that is the only truly sustainable weight loss method Because you lose weight without having to give up your favorite foods!

That’s right! As incredible as it seems, I am not asking you to give up your favorite foods. You will understand how this all works in a minute. 

You will be firmly on your way to melting away all those unwanted pounds and you will wonder how could it be this easy... especially after struggling for so long! 

Plus you will enjoy the side-benefits of your newly trim body like... 

Tremendous boost in Energy - you will literally leap out of bed in the mornings! 

An incredible Emotional boost- something that completely surprised many of the woman I worked with! 

A consistent, always-up metabolism without the highs the lows... one that lives off the excess fat instead of short sugar buzzes. 

Plus you will be so excited at the protocol’s simplicity... you will wonder why it took you so long to find something so perfect that works immediately! 

Just give me another 5 minutes of your time and I will expose to you the breakthrough I discovered that came from a very unlikely source... a Medical Lab associated with an IVY League School
I am going to show you the exact methods I used that have been scientifically proven to melt away every spare ounce of body fat while maintaining healthy lean muscle.
And how you can Dramatically and Quickly BOOST your Vitality, Daily Energy and Sex Drive...
Best of all, it requires zero prescriptions, no highly restrictive diets, no hocus pocus weight loss products or even calorie counting.

Here’s what Jenn from California said to me after just 2 weeks of following the simple protocol of what you will learn here today.

Before I watched your video, I was 87 pounds overweight. I was pre-diabetic and had absolutely no energy and no drive to get better .

But I was also very skeptical after trying so many weight loss programs that never worked.

Most of them required complete behavioral changes or food portions I could not live with.
So I decided to give your program a chance because it sounded so easy.

That was without a doubt the best decision I have ever made.

After the first week, I had dropped 15 pounds. My head felt clear. I had energy. I had more desire for sex.

After 2 weeks I was down 25 pounds. The joint pain in my left knee completely disappeared. 

I joined the gym because I had so much energy and I knew my life had changed for good. 
I noticed an increase in my energy after the first day. After the 3rd day, I could not believe my eyes. It was like the weight was melting away. 
I started using the protocol right after I had my first baby. I was very frustrated and slightly depressed because it didn’t seem like anything would work.

Well, that changed quickly. Pounds started falling off right away and my body changed in the first 10 days.

Best of all, I was never hungry,I could enjoy foods with my husband and I didn’t have to dedicate hours and hundreds of dollars to a gym membership. This is truly much easier than I every expected.

Melissa, California
Ok, so to put it out there, I am very very skeptical. I have built rewards at Barnes and Noble from shopping in their weight loss section. All of the books seemed to have different twists but they always ended up being restrictive or undoable by the average person. I was very pleasantly surprised, all of the science I read was documented and made complete sense. Best of all, I did not have to measure and count and the results speak for themselves. I am now down 44 pounds and feel better than ever in my life. Thank you so much. This will change lives.

Karen, Washington
I read all of the hype and was excited, yet nervous. How could I eat what I want and lose weight? Well, I’m not a doctor but IT works. I am already down 29 pounds and fitting into clothes that haven’t fit in quite some time. Unexpectantly, I was never hungry, it was easy to shop for and I had a ton of energy. Best of all,I have been told I look about 10 years younger. This is something I will easily follow for life!

Cyndy, Montreal, Canada
Let me properly introduce myself... so you can understand why is this new program so different and so revolutionary.
Here is my story and how I almost lost my life because of my obesity. I will never forget the day, I decided to take my daughter to the park.
It was her favorite activity and I thought it would give me a chance to clear my head. 

I can still remember her angelic smile as we drove there. 

When we arrived my daughter ran from park ride to park ride, I struggled to keep up but I was elated she was having a blast.

I remember her squeezing my hand and saying “ Thank you for bringing me here Dada, I know you weren’t feeling good” and off she ran.

Then at that moment it happened...

I’m not sure if it was emotional stress, or the hot summer day, but my head went light, my knees buckled and I ended up on my knees grasping my chest.
My daughter began instantly crying and yelling with a look a terror in her eyes I have only seen once in my life!
Then I simply passed out... Everything faded away.
She ran to get help. Just like that, I awoke in a hospital room surrounded by my friends and family. My entire family looked raw from sobbing and worrying. According to them, the doctors had been frantically working for two hours trying to stabilize me.
After four full days of doctor after doctor, medication and more IVs than I had veins, the chief physician finally came to tell me his diagnosis. 

“You have severely damaged your heart and it is not functioning properly”. 

I am going to prescribe you a regimen of medication. 

However, I am under a professional obligation to tell you that you only have a small chance that you will survive longer than a few months in this condition

“The bad part is, there isn’t any medical procedure that I can use on you while you are this obese. 

I took a full minute in silence and then said... “well, what can I do?”
“You need to lose at least 80 pounds...
without drastically decreasing caloric intake or doing excess cardiovascular exercise.

If you decrease your calories too quickly, your body will go into survival mode, which stresses your core functions. 

  Your core functions are regulated by your heart, and the extra stress could kill you quicker.

Cardiovascular activity is needed to lose weight, but the stress of the excessive activity could also kill you before you lose the weight.

“I’m sorry, but that is the reality”... “I’m really sorry”
And that was it, was I just sentenced to death?
I had many friends and family make the trip from hours away to visit me.

Sadly, this is where the story would have ended if one of one of those trips hadn’t turned into a conversation that saved my life.

My friend David had traveled all the way from the west coast to see me.

David had been one of my great friends for many years. We grew up through high school together. 

He went on to work as a medical researcher.

His niche was researching and writing about new medical technologies.

“Ok, spill it, tell me exactly what you are facing” he said.
“Like I have said, I have an irreversible heart condition and the doctors said NOTHING can be done”

“Well, ok, the doctor told me I had to lose over 80 pounds WITHOUT cutting calories drastically or doing excess cardiovascular exercise.

“He said aggressively, why the HELL didn’t you say something”.

You always keep the tough stuff inside, you should have told me”

Why? I asked

“I don’t think what you need to do is impossible”

“As you know I work on confidential projects in very advanced medical facilities and I think I know something that CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE”

He then began to explain a very closely guarded study.
The study was done at one of America’s top medical research institutes in partnership with an IVY League medical school.
This study uncovered a protocol that has been SECRETLY guarded because it is so controversial.

“Matt... these guys think they have REVOLUTIONIZED the fight against Obesity.

“What I’m about to tell you does NOT involve taking medication, it is ALL based on a metabolic loophole that was basically stumbled upon in the study.“

“The research centered around dispelling very common health and weight loss myths that many considered to be gospel.”

“That is why it is so controversial. You can just imagine what would happen if this information was released.”
Here are the 3 factors that are totally misunderstood by people trying to lose weight
1. Essentially, the first thing you need to understand is that calories can NOT be cut to lose body weight properly.
I know this seems counterintuitive but leading edge research has proven it.

He summed it up by saying that research proves that you need to eat more to lose more and avoid Survival Mode.

But it needs to be done the right way and I will show that to you in minute.
2. Secondly, There exists a myth centered around overdoing cardiovascular exercise.
You and I have been force fed the idea that cardiovascular exercise burns calories, which turns into weight loss.

David explained...  When you stress your metabolism for extended periods of time, your metabolism has to continuously stay activated.

Your metabolism is like every other system in the body and it cannot be over used without it going into a state of shock.
3. Carbohydrates ate NOT the enemy.
Carbs can be used to wildly accelerate fat loss while allowing your body to maintain muscle mass.

This went against everything I ever believed BUT I continued to listen. 

Top doctors and scientists have found that the proper consumption of carbohydrates enable your body to direct the food you consume directly to your muscle, bypassing fat stores. 
Your body will build and maintain muscle because it has to tap into your fat stores for daily energy. 
Net Results – Tasty Carb Laden Food CAN Create more muscle and less body fat. Yet, you need to know how and when to use it.
I was blown away.

This turns the entire fitness industry on their head.

Ultimately, what David had shared with me can be summed up easily.

Popular weight loss programs compromise your metabolism and force your body into a state of STARVATION AND SURVIVAL.

This was the exact conversation I had with my doctor 1 month earlier.

He said that if I attempted to go on a diet, it could instantly kill me because it would shock my metabolism. 

And this is the main thing that most people do not understand.

As we continue to diet, we continue to follow this deadly advice and keep our metabolism in a diminished state.

Following popular diet advice KEEPS you and I from regaining a lean physique and a state of vitality.

It explains why I constantly failed at losing weight. I thought it was me but I was actually running a fool’s errand.

Every single diet preaches cutting calories and carbohydrates.

That ruined my heart, decreased my energy levels and screwed up my metabolism.

Again, everything he said made sense...

He told me he had to go but would return in a couple of days
When he returned, he had a small kitchen napkin with 14 simple bullet points AND research test papers marked
He looked at me and said calmly. 

This kitchen napkin describes what the researchers found. What they uncovered is a “Metabolic Loophole” that is your answer to losing weight. It is everything you need to lose weight fast and repair your body.

I have also brought with me the Ivy league clinical study which is extremely confidential so you can verify everything I say with real science.

I immediately glanced through his notes and the first thing that struck me was how uncomplicated it all seemed.

How could this heavily guarded secret be THIS easy?  

I still wasn’t 100% sold it was going to work but I figured I had nothing to lose. So I got started.
Within a couple of days, something very weird happened, I slept great and woke up feeling great with more energy than I had in years. 
For the first time in days I got out of bed and walked out to the empty sounds of a house still asleep. 

I made coffee for my wife and even thought of taking my kids to the baseball game.

This gave me a bit of encouragement. Maybe the “Metabolic Loophole” was actually working.  
Now, here is where it got hard for me to understand. David’s plan did NOT call for me to cut out the foods I loved to eat.

In fact, eating them initially made me feel guilty.  

I was eating more and more often. I was eating proteins, fats, starches... you name it.
I felt like I was on vacation NOT on a diet plan.
Yet, I was LOSING weight and A LOT of Weight at that.

I would weigh myself once a day. Some days I would lose 5 or 6 pounds and other days I would lose just a couple. 

It didn’t make sense. Weight was falling off but I hadn’t dieted and I didn’t lack energy... Heck, I felt great! After two weeks on program, I was out of bed most of the day and my physique was rapidly changing. 

I began to see the semblance of muscle tone.  Then 30 days after David came to visit me, my wife drove me to the hospital to go through a huge battery of tests. 

As I walked in the exam room the test technician, who had performed my initial tests 30 days earlier said... 

Wow Matt, you actually look good. 

He seemed surprised, but not as surprised as he was after seeing my test results. 

“I don’t get it, this has to be wrong” he said, “Your blood pressure has normalized at 119/79. This is the blood pressure of a healthy young adult”
Also, your resting heart rate is 64, which AGAIN is that of a healthy, active, young adult. 

Finally your cholesterol is about 80... PERFECT

With that he left and grabbed a resident doctor.

He spread jelly on my chest and began a heart ultra sound. His mouth literally dropped open.

My heart beat was beating NORMAL, not even a slight sign of AFIB, a condition I had before I starting losing weight.

My heart had repaired itself despite him telling me that there was no cure.

He looked at me and said he had no medical explanation. What he was analyzing was simply a MIRACLE.

Only a few months back I thought I was going to die... NOW, a lean physique was magically appearing. 

I was looking better than I did in years.
I lost 68 pounds in just 8 weeks. It was a miracle. And I went on to lose 106 pounds in total!
My wife was once again attracted to me and my SEX Drive was ROARING once again. 

I could say that I was back to NORMAL but that would be a LIE.

I was FAR better than normal. I looked and felt IMPOSSIBLY good.

I never in my wildest dreams figured I would have the physique of a Men’s Health Cover... BUT it became a REALITY.

Of course all my friends kept asking how I did it.

They all wanted an answer, they wanted my secret. 

They figured it was some experimental medication that my doctors had used on me.

What they too discovered was a “Metabolic Loophole” that anybody can use to lose weight even faster than total starvation.
Research shows that it is possible to induce a metabolic state that will allow you to eat ANY food without:
Once you use the principals properly...
Food is used exclusively by your muscles for energy thereby preventing excess fat being deposited on your stomach, hips and buttocks. 
The “Metabolic Loophole” Attacks The Reasons Other Diets Fail
Most people on diets have to deal with being constantly hungry which eventually leads to failure. This is not the case with MBLH. You do not need to calorie count or limit your food intake.
Diets normally consist of depriving yourself of certain foods for extended periods. With MBLH you can eat the foods you love virtually everyday without guilt.
The Metabolic loophole is designed to melt away your problem areas while allowing you to maintain and show off any lean muscle that you have. 
Here are just some of the amazing results my friends got in a short period of time.
I never imagined I could look like this. I knew I could lose weight, but I was skeptical I could have a sculpted body like the author discusses. Well, he is right and I am in the best shape of my life. I never felt deprived at all.

Ryan M
I did not think there was any way I could eat the foods I love and lose weight but I decided to try anyways since I had friends who lost weight with the book. I not only lost weight, I am not contemplating entering a natural bodybuilding contest.

Mark M
I did not have a lot to lose but I had hit a frustrating plateau. The Metabolic Loophole Diet allowed me to break this plateau, lose body fat and even add in some foods I had really missed eating.

Jenna F
The summer always brought dread, due to having to wear a swimsuit. Not anymore thanks to The Metabolic Loophole Diet. The book was easy to follow and the pounds fell off.

Janet S
I have never been the fit guy, nor did I think it was possible. The bought the book originally just to lose a few pounds and get in better shape. I never expected to have a six pack, my friends and family are astonished.

Peter B
All is can say is WOW! As an older man I didn’t expect to have a body like this again. The book made it very simple to get into the best shape of my life. It is crazy simple.

Mark M
Thank you Metabolic Loophole! I was always the girl who felt uncomfortable in her own skin. Now I am not only comfortable, I am the life of the party!

Liz P
I am only three weeks in and my body looks completely different. I cannot wait to see the progress I make over the coming years. All of my friends are now reading your book.

Alicia Q
Before long, dozens and dozens of my friends were in the KNOW and they told THEIR friends.

Without knowing it, I had created a MOVEMENT.

Hundreds of people were following The Metabolic Loophole program and seeing DRAMATIC results.

Believe me... after you download your copy of the program your eyes will be opened to the real truth the Weight Loss industry is hiding from you!
Just Look At What You Will Get When You Instantly Download The Metabolic Loophole Today!
Metabolic Loophole E-Book
This is the published E-Book version for instant download of Matt’s full story and the step by step protocol of the Metabolic Loophole Story.
Metabolic Loophole 12 Day Quick Start Guide
Want a quick start and instant gratification?
Use the 12 day Detox Guide that helps to reset your metabolism and make losing weight even easier.
14 Metabolic Tips Napkin Summary
Here are the main points of the Metabolic Loophole - something you can always carry around with you to help keep you on course and give you the motivation you need.
Easy-Shop Grocery Guide
This makes it fool proof to choose all your favorite foods and make the healthiest choices
What’s the ‘Catch’?
How Much Does The Exclusive Program Cost?
Before long, dozens and dozens of my friends were in the KNOW and they told THEIR friends.

Without knowing it, I had created a MOVEMENT.

Hundreds of people were following The Metabolic Loophole program and seeing DRAMATIC results.

Believe me... after you download your copy of the program your eyes will be opened to the real truth the Weight Loss industry is hiding from you!
And look at the incredible collection of 5 Premium Weight Loss Accelerators that will speed you on your way to living your life feeling younger and healthier than ever before.
They are yours Totally FREE with your order of the Metabolic Loophole!
Weight Loss Accelerator #1
The Kitchen Loophole Recipe Guide
72 Easy To Prepare Recipes Not only will these recipes help accelerate your weight loss, but it will feel an increase in energy, a boost in mental clarity and a whole new positive outlook on life!
Value $47- Yours Free!
Weight Loss Accelerator #2
12 Day 10 Minute Body Weight Exercises
Maximize Your Fat Burning Loophole, Boost Digestion and Release Toxins.
Value $19- Yours Free!
Weight Loss Accelerator #3
12 Day Daily Motivation Affirmation Phrases
to keep your focus during the first 12 days. We do not want to just let you download the program and then say Good-Bye. We will keep you motivated during the very important first 12 days of the program - so watch your email inbox and be sure to open your emails for immediate motivation Helps guarantee you get a successful quick start on the program.
Value $19- Yours Free!
Weight Loss Accelerator #4
Complete Detox and Cleansing Guide For Resetting Your Metabolism
Learn how to eliminate heartburn, constipation, stomach cramps, sinus congestion, itchy, runny or stuffed nose, bad breath, allergies Say goodbye to water retention, binge eating and food cravings... as well as fatigue, restlessness, sluggishness, hyperactivity, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, depression, memory lapses and brain fog.
Value $37- Yours Free!
Weight Loss Accelerator #5
All Day Energy Smoothies
See incredible health rejuvenating recipes for immediate Weight Loss, Better Skin, Better Vision, Better Digestion, Better Bones, Better Heart, Lower Blood Pressure and Better Brain.
Value $37- Yours Free!
Get These 5 FREE "Weight Loss Accelerators" with Your Order Today& Put Yourself on the Fast Track to Being Healthier & More Energetic!
Yes! Prove Every Lost Ounce, Every Lost Inch Entirely Without Risk!
What price can you put on feeling young and vibrant and full of energy like you were a teenager again?
What is your health worth?
I don’t know. I guess it is different for everybody- to me its worth thousands. I wasted so much money on diet programs that never worked. Plus I paid a Nutritionist over $1000 for just 4 meetings and she didn’t even know about the science that came out of the Ivy league School. So that was a waste of money!

Even if you buy some of the those insane workout video series, you still won’t know about the “loophole” that magically helps you to make the fat disappear.

Rather than spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on something that isn’t ever going to work for you, why not take advantage of the massive discount I am going to give you right now!

Take a look below and you will see the big Orange button. Click that now and you get the entire Metabolic Loophole Program - The Metabolic Loophole E-Book, the 12 Day Quick Start Guide, the Easy-Shop grocery List and The Famous 14 Step Napkin Presentation.
The total value of this complete program comes to $99 for the Metabolic Loophole program plus $140 for all 5 Weight Loss accelerators for a total value of $239 and today you get it all for
only 1 easy payment of $47.
And there are no further payments- you get a huge 80% discount by ordering today!
Press the Orange button below and fill out the form on the next page to get started now.
Your 100% money back satisfaction is guaranteed when you try The Metabolic Loophole Program today.

My refund rate is almost non-existent, as we have very few asking for their money back because so many people are thrilled with the results!
Right now go to your mirror, look at your figure and ask yourself these questions—the solutions to which are right now within your grasp:

How would I look 7 days from now, with more weight gone in just one week than I’ve ever been able to take off and keep off with up to 1, 2, even 3 months of unsuccessful and heartbreaking dieting?

How would I look just 2 weeks from today with my waistline as much as 2 to 3 sizes smaller? But don’t stop there!
Picture Your Body Growing Stronger... Your Mind Growing Sharper... Your Sexual Performance Shifting Into ‘Overdrive’... And your Body Supercharging Itself!
The information and tips you need to unlock all of these benefits are contained in my Metabolic Loophole Program plus these 5 FREE Weight Loss Accelerator Bonus Books.
No-Risk Means You Have Absolutely Nothing In The World To Lose, Except Pockets Of Clinging Fat and Unsightly Bulging Inches
The Newly discovered Metabolic Loophole Program is scheduled for full nationwide release within the next 3 to 6 months, but you can take advantage of this ground breaking research now and get Matt’s program on this pre-release instant download for a Limited Time ONLY!

And remember—you are not buying, only trying. Because, if ‘The Metabolic Loophole’ does not reward you with the same amazing results and the same amazing speed that hundreds of users have reported.

If it does not take off every last ounce and every last fraction of an inch in less time and with greater ease than you ever imagined humanly possible... 

If it does not actually slim and shape you a brand new body...

Then simply return the complete program within 30 days and owe not a single cent. You have tried wonder-working Metabolic Loophole entirely at our expense.
You must click the Big Orange Button to order today before while this offer is still available. To make sure you do not miss out.
Your Purchase Will Be Backed by a Triple Guarantee!
If within the first 30 days you have not lost more weight than you have ever before on any weight loss program.

If for one single day you just do not have the energy and get up and go that you had as a teenager...

If you do not like the way I look or the design of the E-Books…
If for any reason at all you want a refund…

You can return the Metabolic Program at any time in the next 30 days and receive your entire purchase price back...

but keep my 5 FREE Bonus E-Books as my valuable gift to you.

To your good health and long life,
Matt Ryncarz
P.S. Think of it! Never again will you deny yourself the pleasure of great-tasting foods or torture yourself with nerve-wracking diets.

For the first time in your life delicious foods, rich desserts, and between-meal-snacks are no longer “strictly off limits”... but, instead are welcome daily treats.  

And most important of all, for the first time ever give yourself the opportunity to finally enjoy LIFETIME FREEDOM FROM FAT!
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Please read our honest disclaimer: Due to recent guidelines from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth: most people do not follow through with their commitments and do nothing or very little with the products they buy. As a result, most of the time, their typical results are zero. You need to make the commitment to change your lifestyle because you are the only one who can make a change. There is no such thing as a miracle pill or silver bullet. We will support your efforts to step up and make a change!
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