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One of the questions I get from time to time is “Why should I meditate?” or “How did meditation change your life?”. In other words: "Why meditation?". In response, I could speak about the over 70 benefits of meditation on your health, mind, emotional life, and performance. Sometimes that helps, but I often feel it doesn’t really communicate the real value of this practice. Personally, I didn’t start meditating because I was seeking any of those benefits - they were just very nice side effects. Personally, I didn’t start meditating because I was seeking any of those benefits - they were just very nice side effects. At the same time, I cannot answer that question by mentioning the spiritual value of meditation, because not ...

Welcome to Horizon Coaching Meditation Programs! We’re happy to see you are ready to benefit from . Milas extraordinary teachings and techniques in the most profound way. Allow us to present to you his powerful programs, already being used by thousands all over the world, designed to bring about practical transformation in any area of your life. All you have to do is choose one and get started!

Reclaim the Power of Your Brain

Negative thinking is something EVERYONE struggles with. In fact, new research shows that of the sixty thousand thoughts the average person has each day, around eighty-percent of them are negative.

According to the Yogis and Siddhas, negative thoughts block your natural manifestation abilities, and indicate disharmony in the subtle sounds within the brain. These subtle sounds need to be brought back into harmony to reclaim the power of your brain, and take control of the manifestation process.


Techniques for Manifestation Revealed

In Manifesting Miracles, Mila reveals powerful sounds for thought-manifestation
given to the world by the Tamil Siddha Thirumoolar. In addition to manifestation, regular use of these sounds will purify the mind of all negativity, and remove the concept of impossibility from your consciousness.

Mila combines these sounds with specific meditations and affirmations, creating a powerful manifestation course that empowers you with the ability to consciously create every aspect of your life with ease.

What is a Miracle?
Midbrain Miracle Method

The midbrain is vitally important to maintaining and regulating the state of consciousness, alertness and attention. The midbrain contains the physical pineal gland, which has similar features to the retina in our eyes and is also a replica of what Siddhas call the third eye.

The Midbrain includes the pons, reticular activating system, the pituitary gland, and the 3rd ventricle. The pineal gland and the surrounding area in the midbrain is where our connection to higher thought and reality is.

When these areas are activated we open ourselves up to the extraordinary and welcome events that begin to manifest in our lives. You should expect miracles every day. If you don’t expect a miracle… it will not happen.

A miracle is anything from receiving the exact amount of money you need, at the exact moment you need it, to being in the right place at the right time, to physical healing of something doctors said was impossible. You could say a miracle is something that happens outside the realm of logic, something that doesn’t fit into the framework of what we’ve been told is possible. Despite being unexplainable, it’s hard to deny their existence. Midbrain Miracle Method is a step-by-step process that will allow you to activate the powerful midbrain under the guidance of Dr. Pillai, a world-renowned Spiritual Teacher, Humanitarian and Siddha Master, working within the principles of brain science and ancient wisdom to cultivate miracles and make significant changes in your life.

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