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Niche Guru Coaching With Dr Hilal

"Designed So That You Can Discover The Precise 
Methods And Techniques That Will Quickly 
Take You To The Top And Accelerate Your 
Online Success, Fast, In Any Niche"

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Success Ahead with Niche Guru Coaching

From: Dr Hilal, 10:07 AM

Dear Friend,

You know what? I bet you're frustrated trying to make a living online! You never thought success would be so hard, right?

Do you feel a little cheated? After all, you were told it was easy. But, that has definately not been your experience.

When you started building your online business, did you think that by this point in time you would be further along than you are now?

Be honest with me, its nothing like you imagined, is it? So let's be frank here - and let me ask you this - what has been holding you back from having the success you desire - and, no doubt, deserve?

Is it that you know exactly what to do and how to do it, but are having difficulty implementing it?

Or perhaps you are implementing things just fine - just the way you have learned in the courses you have bought - but you just aren't getting the kinds of results that others seem to be getting...!

Or is it deeper than that? Are there gaps in your knowledge, but you don't know what they are?

So, have you ever thought this? "I wish I had someone I could just ask..." Maybe you have been stuck on a particular step in something, and wished you had someone you could talk to who has "been there and done that (and got the 'T' -shirt)!" Someone who could simply answer your question instead of struggling through it yourself, and trying to figure it all out on your own?

What if you had someone that could take you by the hand, step by step, and show you exactly what to do and how to do it? Plus, they were on standby so that if you had a question, any question at all, you could get it answered quickly?

Would you think that your success would be much sooner?

Well, that's exactly what my 'Niche Guru Coaching Program' will do for you... and I'm so confident this will be that important difference that will supercharge your online success, and get you the results you know could and should be yours, that I am going to allow you completely free access to me, as part of your coaching with me, so you can begin getting real results the very first month working with me.

Perhaps you have bought multiple books, each one promising to show you one technique or method for doing something online… for example, finding your niche, or generating traffic, or building a list. 

And the information seems solid, it makes a lot of sense – maybe you have even tried the advice, and it works – but the problem is, you don’t know how to fit everything together. 

But try as you might, you just can’t piece together everything you learn so that it becomes a solid system – and perhaps that is what is holding you back from making the kind of money you really deserve online.

Then again, by trying to proceed like that, you've found you keep repeating some parts of the jigsaw time and again (so much so, on occasions, that you are probably an expert in that one particular topic), yet success still alludes you. Yes, you are suffering from 'information overload' and you still haven't got all the pieces you need!

You feel like one of those young boys collecting cards and swapping them with others to make the set. You keep getting the same one or two cards, but the one you really need, never comes. You feel like the company was lying to you and they never made that one! No-one seems to have it! The Internet can seem just like that for many... the answer is a complete package, tailored exactly to you.

That's exactly what you are getting here with my 'Niche Guru Coaching Program.' Here's the point: you are the guru! 

But, let's come back to what you really want, for a moment:

What do you really want out of the Internet?

What do you want to accomplish online?

How much money do you want to make online?

Think about that for a moment. Have you ever got your calculator out?

Do you want financial success?

Do you have an income goal you would like to achieve online…$60,000 per year, $100,000 per month, maybe $250,000 per year?

Do you want time freedom…freedom to work when you choose, the way you choose?

Do you want to have the freedom to spend more time with your wife or husband?

Do you want to have more time to spend with your children?

Do you want the freedom to travel?

What do YOU want?

Maybe you want everything I have listed…

Let me ask you this: 

What would it mean to you to have all that you want…

the money, the freedom from your boss, the freedom to spend time with your family, the freedom to travel whenever you want, wherever you want?

What would it really mean for you?

Think about that for a second.

What would it really mean for you to make an extra $5000 per month online ($60,000 per year), $10,000 per month online ($120,000 per year) or even $20,000 per month online ($240,000 per year)?

What would it really mean to you, deep down inside?

Complete financial freedom?

Respect from your family and peers because you finally made it work online?

A personal feeling of satisfaction, knowing you accomplished something powerful?

Let’s switch gears again:

What is holding you back from accomplishing everything you could or should on the Internet?

What is holding you back from internet marketing success, from making the kind of money you want and deserve?

Is a lack of knowledge holding you back?

Or maybe you have so much information you are ready to drown in it – but you don’t know where to start, how to put everything together in the right order to become successful online?

Maybe you keep trying, starting over and over again, but not having someone you can talk with, a mentor, someone who can help you along, and answer your questions, someone who has “been there, done that” is holding you back?

Maybe something else entirely is holding you back…not knowing how to build a list, not knowing how to monetize your list, not knowing how to create products that your subscribers actually want to buy, not knowing how to create a coaching program that will sell.

Maybe you are simply frustrated because you have tried so hardand you see other people succeeding…but try as you might, you just haven’t been able to “break the code” to Internet success?

What is holding you back from achieving your online goals?

Like many others online who try hard and work hard, but can’t break through to the “big time”, perhaps you have bought multiple books, each promising to show you one technique or method for doing something online…for example, finding your niche, or generating traffic, or building a list. 

And the information seems solid, it makes a lot of sense – maybe you have even tried the advice, and it works – but the problem is, you don’t know how to fit everything together. 

Try as you might, you just can’t piece together everything you learn so that it becomes a solid system – and perhaps that is what is holding you back from making the kind of money you really deserve online.

You see, you know deep down inside that plenty of people are making money online.  Perhaps you know someone in your personal life who works 100% online.  Perhaps you have seen some of the people online who are making money – so you know it works, but you just can’t figure it out yourself.

Deep down inside, you know you could become a success online – if only you knew the code, knew exactly what you needed to do to get it right.

Other people do it – and some in really big ways – but it is just so frustrating that you aren’t doing it.

Let me ask you this:

What would it mean for you if you could overcome everything that is holding you back from achieving your online goals and dreams, and achieve complete success?

What would it mean for you if you had the time that you deserve, to spend with your family?

What would it mean to you if you had the freedom to travel like you have always dreamed?

What would it mean to you if you were making $5000 per month online, $10,000 per month online, or even $20,000 per month online?

Deep down inside, what would that really mean, how would it impact your life?

How would your life be different if you could overcome every challenge in your life, everything that has been holding you back from achieving internet success?

Now let me ask you this, what would you think, how would you feel if I told you that the challenges that you have experienced online, are very similar to the challenges that hold other people back online?

That is why I have teamed up with 2 incredible individuals to create this special 'break-through' program.

This means: you will have a team on your side who will alwyas be one step ahead of you and who have made it their mission to help as many people on-line as possible. (More on the team later)

Here is what is important right now: The things that are holding you back from achieving your online dreams, from achieving financial success, are very common.

And the important fact is: We've made it our business to help a lot of people with similar challenges overcome them and achieve their online goals.

But, I can go even further than that, the more we help people achieve the same types of things we have just been talking about, the more I realise it comes down to just one thing: a complete 'step-by-step' program where you are coached on each step! So, I have joined up with Richard Mortimer and Sean Mize, and created a program that does just that. It goes step by step, literally holding you by the hand, leading you every step of the way, that is specifically designed to help people who have the same types of challenges we have been talking about.

When I say 'step-by-step,' I don't want you to confuse this with those thousands of 'step-by-step' programs you see so often. This is a complete business program. (It is in a totally different league). There is no comparison. Please don't misundertand me, there's nothing wrong with those products. I've used them myself and even created them. But, the wider the field the course covers, the more likely it is to have holes. You simply can't create a video training course that sells for $97, that could hope to cover what my coaching program does. Its bound to have holes in it, lots of them...!

Then, you are back at the beginning again. You've just wasted another $97 (and, more importantly, wasted a lot of time and got discouraged into the bargain)! I know, because I've been there... but, it was when I took coaching that my business lept forward...!

So, what does this mean for you?

In building my own business on the Internet I now know exactly what works online… and what doesn’t. Plus, I can tailor that to your requirements - exactly!

So, I have cracked the code to Internet success, so to speak.

And I have decided to share with you everything I have learned, with Richard and Sean joining me to round the whole thing out.

Step by step, method by method, test by test, sharing with you my complete and exact blueprint for Internet success.

Exactly what works.

Exactly what doesn’t.

And I created a powerful coaching program, revealing step by step, systematically, exactly how to build your online information business so that you can duplicate my success online.

We will be literally taking you by the hand, and showing you step by step exactly what we have done, and how we have done it, and how you can do it, to create incredible online success.

In addition to showing you step by step exactly what to do and how to do it, you will also be meeting with me, or Richard on live calls, so you can ask questions, and we can work through anything you are struggling with online, as you build your business.

And in addition to talking with me or Richard on live calls (maybe a few times a month - depending what you need), you will also be able to email us any questions you have, and we can work together to get your business to the place where you want it to be, helping you overcome any challenges you have experienced in the past.... between my knowledge, expertise, and experience, everything Richard and Sean bring to the table (which is huge) and the opportunity for you to tap into that by getting on calls with Richard or me, and of course talking via email, together we are going to get your business - and your life- to the place where you want it to be.

But before I show you exactly how I am going to take you from where you are at now to where you want to go, I want to be very blunt with you:

My Coaching Is Not For Everyone

One thing I want to say at this point is that this coaching program is not for everyone.  In fact, its for a very few select people. You see, not everyone who wants to build an online business will ever be able to do it.  Some people are just not willing to put the time into building an online business. Some people are not willing to do the hard work that comes with building an online business. Others aren’t willing to listen to instruction – they just want to do it their own way.  And to all of those types of individuals I say: good luck... (and, they will need it, because that is the hard way)!

The thing is, building an internet business, although it is full of excitement, and it can create an incredible lifestyle, one that gives incredible freedom, is work.  And it does require doing things right. Plus, generally speaking, they need to be done in the right order. So, although its very simple and quite easy to do, most, in fact, fail, I am sad to say.

But, if you join my coaching program, you are going to be there to learn how to do it right. Not by trial and error, but by learning from me.

You see, we have already done it (all 3 of us).  ...started from scratch.  ...tested and tracked, tweaked and changed, done it wrong and done it right – and we know exactly what works and what doesn’t when it comes to internet marketing. 

Would you rather do this on your own, continuing to buy $100 ebooks, trying to figure each piece out on your own, frustrated because what you learn in one book, although it makes sense, doesn’t really fit with what you learn from another book…even though that makes sense too?

What if you could learn it all in one place, from a crack team of experts – who have done it before, and who are currently doing it?

You see, so many of the so-called gurus and experts online made their fortunes years ago – when the Internet was in its infancy.  Sure, they made it happen 10 years ago, they made it 5 years ago – when pay per clicks were 5 cents a piece.  Its not that way anymore.  You are lucky to get a $1 click that barely converts to a subscriber.

Many of the so called gurus out there have huge offices that do all their work for them – do you really think you can compete like they do? Do you really think you are going to be able to do things the way they do things?  Some of them have 20, 40, even 80 employees… so they can leverage those employees to make $5, $10, $20 million per year – but is that really realistic for you right now?

You work alone, maybe you outsource a little – the bottom line is, you need to learn from someone who does it the way you will be doing it - which all 3 of us do - we are like the majority working on and in our businesses alone - but with huge success!

OK, now it is time for me to stick my hand up.

You see, I work online TODAY.  Like, right now! And, I love what I am doing. (As do Richard and Sean). The thing we do best is help others to succeed. Truth is, we've brought these skills in from off-line business. Our own businesses and those of others we've worked for. But, we have built our online businesses single-handed. Its not just a case of special skills. And, truth be told, we've made a lot of mistakes. So, you benefit in every way here:

1. You have someone to work with you who knows how to help people succeed.

2. You have someone to work with you who has learnt by bitter experience, so you don't have to jump through the same flaming hoops!

3. You have someone to work with you who knows how to build a business online, and build it fast!

In fact, if I had to start again from scratch tomorrow, I would be successful in weeks...! The reality is, that kind of motivation and impetus is about to be applied to your Internet business, if you want to work with me.

Plus, when you and I meet on a call, I will fill you in on how things are changing.  When something changes online, when one thing is no longer effective, and something new is, I will be the first to know – because I am actively working the business.  I don’t have to wait until the latest internet marketing seminar to figure out the way things are changing – because I am currently selling online – and when we are on the phone together, I will share that with you.

When you are struggling with something in your business – something that is occurring in your specific business, with specific traffic or specific conversion issues, I can personally help you breakthrough to the next level.  You can’t get that from another book, trust me.  You can’t get the book or the CD to look deep inside your business and figure out what just isn't working, and what needs to be tweaked, or, needs to be adjusted.  But I can look deep inside your business and figure it out for you, or help you to figure it out – live on the phone, and everyday of the month via email – and you can share with me what you are struggling with online, and I can help you solve it (and in many cases, just solve it for you).

 Introducing My Niche Guru Coaching Program

In this Coaching Program, I am going to take you step by step, literally take you by the hand as I reveal the step by step actions I take to force my web site to generate online cash, day in and day out.

Not only am I going to teach you the exact steps to take, I am also going to give you an incredible amount of access to me, so that whenever you have a question, I am literally only an email or a phone call away. 

This is what is included in my 'Niche Guru' Coaching Program:

1)  The first step is to determine exactly where you are, what you want, and what you need. We will do this in a dedicated one-on-one call. If possible, this call will be recorded for your future reference. This will enable us to put a plan together for you to become an expert in your niche, get subscribers from that niche, build a relationship with them, and market your own products.

I am going to teach you exactly what you need to do to be that 'Niche Guru' that people want to buy from. Then, I will take you personally by the hand and lead you through step-by-step! If you need to, you will be able to build your online business from the ground up, from wherever it is now, to where you want to be:

  • Start from scratch and build a powerful list-building squeeze page
  • Learn to drive massive traffic to your squeeze page, to help you build your list fast
  • Discover my secrets for communicating with your subscribers, so that you develop a tight relationship where they won’t be willing to purchase anything in your niche from anyone but you
  • Learn to find out exactly what your subscribers desperately need and will purchase as soon as you have created it
  • I reveal my simple system for creating an audio product that you can sell for between $200 and $500…...within just weeks of starting on my 'Niche Guru' Coaching Program
  • Learn step by step the absolutely easiest way to write an ebook fast…even in a topic you don’t know anything about when you first get started
  • Discover my secret system for creating a coaching program from scratch, and using it to quickly double your online sales, taking in as much as 50% of your online sales just from one coaching program
  • Learn to create your own high priced class ($2000 to $10,000) and release it within weeks of enrolling in my 'Niche Guru' Coaching Program


And one thing I should mention to you now.  The information and concepts you are going to learn in my 'Niche Guru' Coaching Program are not the same run of the mill stuff you get when you buy other people’s ebooks.

This is my best stuff – this is advanced material – much of it material the so-called gurus wouldn’t want me to release – because it gives you a realistic shot at competing directly with them – and outselling them in their own niche.

I don’t hold anything back in this training material…and I deliver it to you in lessons that are tailored specifically to you.

And in addition to everything you are going to learn in the training program, you are going to get an incredible level of access to me:

2)   You are going to unlimited email access to me.  That means you can ask me any question you want at any time. Usually, I will get back to you within 24 hours.  (That's an incredible high value aspect to my coaching - you get me, basically).

Plus, you have my 'Unlimited Coaching Guarantee.' This has been developed due to a wealth of experience in coaching people, just like you. This is what works best. What we have found is that, the best coaching is where you have me take a personal interest in you and your business.
This means a large commitment on my part. It also means, quite possibly, having to reject other clients in order to give you the best attention. That's what you need and want, isn't it?
That means I cannot offer a money back guarantee (that would not be fair to my other clients or me...)! So, I've come up with something that works very much better. That is, I commit to continue working with you until you are successful!

I think you will agree that really is an 'Unlimited Guarantee,' one that gives you the security you need, and enables me to get involved with your business, as you need me to. OK, its not guaranteeing your success (that's 100% down to you, and out of my control), but I promise you this:  If you listen and learn and implement everything I teach you, you will be successful!

3) You are going to get access to all our 'targeted' digital products. (By 'targeted' we mean targeted to success in the step of your business - theses are all programs that sell individually in their own right). All the videos, audio recordings and reports. Whatever you need, you will get it. This is a very comprehensive portfolio of information products covering nearly every topic of marketing online (I say "nearly" as I can't 100% guarantee to cover everything). However, I believe everything you could possibly need is covered here. You would never be able to work your way through all this training! Therefore, I will advise you which to use at each point, so that you don't get 'information overload' and we keep you on-track!

The total value of everything I have just listed is incalcuable…but, suffice to say, the value of that 'unlimited' access is way beyond the cost of this coaching!

In addition to all of that, I am also going to give you:

4) You'll also get the weekly trainings from Richard's 'IM Domination' coaching program. These cover all the vital aspects of building a business online (in any niche).

You might get Private Label Rights to some of my products, if that fits your business model, too!

         If you paid for this separately, the cost would be many times what you are actually paying!          Alright, there's quite a few 'if's listed above: "If this..." "If that..." And, yes, you are right. But, this is entirely for your benefit! Let me give you an example: have you ever bought one of those niche Internet Marketing products? One where you will comprehensively, learn a new skill? It might be Google AdWords, it might be product launches, it might be email marketing...  whatever.

Well, there is a BIG problem with these kinds of products: there is so much to learn. Really 'TOO' much! Don't you agree? You see, to give the right level of value, in such a product, they have to cover every possibility! That makes the product very 'unweildy!' What are you after: having all the bases covered in 'one' area of Internet marketing? or, get results in your niche? I dare say, 9 out of 10 of you, want the latter, if not 99 out of 100 (maybe even 100% of you)! Its results that count...!

Well, with my 'Niche Guru' Coaching Program you get everything you need to become the 'guru' in your niche! How much is that worth to you? That's how you should regard the price of my coaching!  Let's put it another way: its taken me 10 times what you are paying to learn what I need to teach you to do the same! Put, like that, you are going to get what you need for 10% what it could cost you!

Also, you will see success far more quickly than I did! Let me put it like this: I would jump on such a training program as this, if I were looking to dominate my niche. It would save me a huge amount of time and money...! It really would be a 'no-brainer.'

So, to get 'unlimited' access to me... to get niche specific coaching (your choice of niche)...  to get a 'proven' blue-print that is known to work in 'buying' niches... to get the possibility of some important work done for you... to get access to a complete range of training materials... to get a step-by-step program to follow... to get me guiding you all the way and making sure you don't stumble at some point, or get left to figure things out on your own... is only going to cost you a 'one-time' fee of $10,000 (cut right down for a short time) - $7 trial for one week, then: $47pm 
for 12 months

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$47 Per Month Now, Or $10k Later?

So here is a quick review of everything you get as a client on my 'Niche Guru' coaching program:

1)  My complete information business training program

2)  Complete access to all my digital products online

3)  One-on-one sessions to plan and implement your business strategy - (plus, you get full access to these recordings and can use them as your own products)

4)  You get outsourcing of certain tasks thrown in at no extra cost

5)  Email access to me - ask me anything, anytime!

Yes Hilal, I am ready to get started with your incredible coaching program and information business complete training system

I understand that for a limited time only I can get complete access to your highest level coaching program for $10,000 (when it would cost you $100,000 to learn on your own). You'll get complete access to the entire information business marketing system, and  unlimited access to all my digital products.

I also understand that I will get a 'one-on-one' "planning" session to kick start my business, so I can begin building it immediately.

I understand that the $10,000 is payable up front, and there are no refunds available, that I am responsible for applying the lessons in the program. But, that you offer a special coaching program 'Unlimited Guarantee,' where you will continue to work with me until I succeed.

I also understand that this price may increase in the future for future clients and that I am only guaranteed this $1,000 offer if I enroll today.

Hilal, I am ready to begin working with you personally to grow my online business, and want to begin working with you immediately for $10,000:

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Fellow internet marketer,

I look forward to working with you personally to help you grow your online business.

I'd love to see you grow it to a full time income.

And in this program, I show you step by step exactly what to do and how to do it. And you get to talk with me on an exclusive 'one-to-one' basis.  And you can email anytime.

The thing is, if you don't do the work, you won't get results.

But if I understand you right, you have been doing the work - but you don't have anyone to evaluate it, to make sure it is being done right.  And THAT is what is holding you back.

Let me be that person!

I have been there, done that.

I will show you what works, and what doesn't, and be there every step of the way to guide you to success.

Go ahead, sign up today, while I am still offering this program which, to me, is worth $100,000 (what it cost me to learn) for just $10,000.  I don't know how long I will keep this $10,000 price available- so go ahead, if you want to work with me - now is the time!

Niche Guru Coaching

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$47 Per Month Now, Or $10k Later?

To Your Success!

 Dr Hilal  

P.S. This is a totally unique coaching program, that will mean you can move (right away) from being a buyer to a guru, in your niche.

P.P.S. You will be able to start earning very soon from any profitable niche (and there are hundreds to choose from).

P.P.P.S. Start today, and we can get you moving forward ASAP.

By the way, the law asks me to include a legal disclaimer like this:  Please keep in mind, as with any business investment, there is no guarantee of success. You will only generate revenue if you create products or coaching and sell it, or sell affiliate products with an agreement of payment.

No representation is made that my coaching program will result in success, in fact, I can guarantee that my coaching program alone will not give you success.  Only when you actually do the work necessary to build your own business can success become a reality, so I cannot guarantee success with this or any program.

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$47 Per Month Now, Or $10k Later?

No Thanks, I Realise It's Really Me Who Is Missing Out Here
I Know This Is Not False Scarcity, But I Am Happy With That!


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