Business: the Millionaire fastlane

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!

by M.J. DeMarco

There are certain books that, as soon as you start reading them, you know that they are going to change your life. And that’s the feeling that I got when I went through the first pages of The Millionaire Fastlane. Albeit a ridiculous and misleading title (I mean, it sounds like any other “Get rich fast” book), the Millionaire Fastlane is an encyclopaedia of everything financial, especially if you’re not proficient in the topic. 

Creating a strong parallelism between personal finance and the world of racing, he divides people’s financial life in three “roads”: the Sidewalk, or people who leave pay-check to pay-check; the Slowlane, or people who save small amounts in order to be rich when they’re 65; and the Fastlane, or that small group of people who are wealthy at an age when they can still enjoy the fruits of their labour.

M.J. DeMarco does a great job in explaining how to reach the Fastlane, although I consider this book to be more of a call to awareness rather than a manual on how to achieve something. Despite a very informal style, the book is accurately structured and easy to read although, in my experience, it is best to read a couple of chapters and take a day or two to digest their content.

Regarding the feeling that I mention at the beginning of this review, this book has already changed my life because it has provided me a sense of awareness, of thinking how processes of acquiring wealth work and why, and an immense hunger to leave the Sidewalk and get a speeding ticket on the Fastlane.

“This Book Is a Gamechanger! 
This book is packed with information and extremely well written. I have read most of the seminal works on how to create wealth and build businesses, and most of them are great at one aspect or another, but few are as comprehensive as Fastlane.” AMAZONE

Join An Entrepreneurial Revolution

The Fastlane philosophy goes beyond just business and finance: It’s a lifestyle and a mindset. Fastlaners are a small, but tightly connected group bound by a common purpose: To create value on a worldwide scale while creating personal wealth along the journey.

It’s truly a process where you will discover that “living the dream” happens instantaneously.

Not only does this book explain the details, more importantly, it explains why your current “Slowlane” road (jobs, stock market investing, mindless scrimp-and-save, etc.) is nothing more but a lifelong condemnation into the prison of mediocrity.

Some warnings: If you’re expecting a book full of blue-skies, fairy tales and unicorns (ya know, shit like “do what you love!” or“follow your passion!”) you’re going to be disappointed— save your money. That crap sells books, but it doesn’t make millionaires.

Additionally, the front half of this book is likely to have you crying for mercy since it covers your piss-poor decision-making and your wannabe millionaire lifestyle— all of which are 1st class tickets straight into poverty— regardless of how much money you make. (Yea, that pro athelete that just filed bankruptcy? Ten bucks spent on Fastlane and it would have saved him a fortune, and it will you too.)

So…. that said, I want to tell you that financial freedom is something that cannot be explained or described on some random webpage— it’s truly a dream where you never wake up.

I’d love for you to join me and other dedicated Fastlaners who have resurrected their dreams and taken the leap from indentured employee to liberated entrepreneur. Strap yourself in— the journey won’t be easy but it won’t be crowded like the 7AM morning commute.

And hey, if you’re really feeling charitable, here’s an added benefit that would help me immensely: If you buy Fastlane, you give me the awesome chance at telling mainstream publishers “f*ck you” — The Millionaire Fastlane has sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide and is being translated into multiple languages — despite it’s success, no publisher would touch it.

Gee, I wonder why?

Henceforth in my Shakespearean tone, I hath bequeath to you The Millionaire Fastlane.

From ex-NFL football players, to ex-cons, to ex-cubicle warriors; thousands have “ditched and switched” Slowlane for Fastlane — make the move today and maybe tomorrow we can meet on the beach and share one of those fat umbrella drinks.

I know I know… it’s cliche 

This is a priceless book that it will blow your mind in every page and chapter you can buy it now here just by $4.00

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Life Rich for a Lifetime! PDF PLR

The Millionaire Fastlane Summary

1-Sentence-Summary: The Millionaire Fastlane points out the major flaws with the old get a degree, get a job, work hard, retire rich model, defines wealth in a new way and shows you the path to retiring young.

Ironically, this is not a get-rich-quick book. To the contrary, it’s approach is very stoic. Ever since seeing a guy with a legendaryLamborghini Countach, MJ DeMarco knew he wanted to live a rich life.

What he didn’t want is to get a degree, work 40 years, save every penny, retire and then, eventually, be able to drive his Lamborghini at 70 years old.

The Millionaire Fastlane is his story of how he managed to retire at 33, a multi-millionaire.

Here are 3 of the things you can learn from it:

Wealth stands for 3 things, but none of them is money.At some point, you must make your income independent of your time.Think like a producer, not like a consumer.

Hit the pedal to the floor, we’re going in the fastlane!

Lesson 1: Wealth stands for 3 things, none of which is money.

When you hear the word wealth you probably imagine Scrooge McDuck swimming around in his vast sea of gold coins.

However, DeMarco came up with his own definition of wealth, which isn’t really about money.

He says wealth includes 3 things:

  • Meaningful relationships with friends and family
  • Being healthy and physically fit
  • Freedom 

And money is not what make you happy, it is just the mean to enjoy thos three things that make you happy not a goal its self, for having the time to stay with your family longer and not worry about goin to work the whole day you need to be rich and it also help you to buy all what your love ones need, to get health you need some money sometimes, and to be free to do whatever you want any time and any where you want you also need money.

    While money can only help you so much in building better relationships with your loved ones or transforming your body from unhealthy to top shape, money can buy you unlimited amounts of freedom.

    The freedom to live where you want, eat what you want, travel where and when you want and follow all of your hobbies with a passion, even if they’re really expensive.

    Since you don’t have to trade your time for money any longer, you can now spend it as you wish and that’s really what wealth is all about.

    Lesson 2: Your income eventually can’t depend on your time any more.

    Okay, but how do you stop trading your time for money?

    To make your income independent from your time, you have to unlink it from the hours you put into work. This doesn’t have to happen in one go where you become an “overnight success”, but can be a gradual process.

    For example J.K. Rowling put in years of time before publishing even the first Harry Potter book, but with each new book she continued to receive royalties, increasing her income without her having to put in more time, since that book was finished.

    The truth is, even the most miraculous exits, where 15-year olds sell their app to Yahoo for millions, require years of work and very often the company owners have already become rich in the process.

    The fastlane might be fast, but it’s not a shortcut. There are no shortcuts. You have to build a great product or company that starts to produce passive income, even when you’re sleeping.

    Exit or not, that’s the way to become rich and retire young.

    Lesson 3: Start producing, stop consuming.

    This one speaks right from my soul. Stop consuming, and start creating!

    DeMarco says the only way to build a business is to think like a producer. We’re all conditioned to consume from an early age.

    Watch ads on TV, buy toys, buy food, buy clothes.

    It’s no different with information – we’re bombarded with tweets, images, articles and podcasts.

    But when you spend all your time consuming, when are you going to start creating?

    So stop throwing money at another pair of shoes or skincare product, and instead, switch into producer mode.

    Look at the packaging.

    How does it feel? What does it do to make you want to buy it? Which words are they using in the ad?

    See behind the consumption to find out about the creative process of the people who sell what you usually buy.

    Could you sell that product? Where do they produce? Can you find out how much profit they make?

    Similar with good articles or podcasts. Think about the structure, how does it help you? What makes a gregreat blog?

    Take off your consumer glasses and be open and curious about the world of producing and you’ll be well prepared to start your own business.

    Who would I recommend The Millionaire Fastlane summary to?

    The 15 year old with a lot of free time, so she might have a chance to retire super early (before 30), the 32 year old store clerk, who loves the products he sells, but has never quite looked behind the curtain, and anyone loves Lamborghinis.

    Book details
    Paperback, 322 pages
    Published January 4th 2011 by Viperion Publishing Corp (first published November 8th 2010
    ISBN 0984358102 (ISBN13: 9780984358106) Edition language English Original title The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!


    #Business Economics > Finance #Nonfiction Business > Entrepreneurship #Self Help Currency > Money

    The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Life Rich for a Lifetime! PDF PLR