To learn positive language is the same as learning any other language.

The earlier a child begins to learn a new language, the more fluent they become. After one month of playing this audio to your child on a daily basis (at bedtime) you will begin to see and hear a difference in how he/she uses this new positive language.

Children instinctively see the world as a very positive place but as they got they will be exposed to the challenges of life.

We would love to screen and protect our children from all negative influences but unfortunately we cannot. However, we can reduce the impact of negative messaging by replacing it with positive reinforcement by identifying the strengths our children have to offer and assisting them to express their gratitude for what life has already given them, through gentle affirmations while they sleep.

All the top successful people in the world, (e.g. athletes, business people, entertainment people etc...) use positive thought process to reach and fulfil their goals.

Why not give your child a head start?

Veronica began her career in the HSE, where she worked for over 8 years. She then worked in the pharmaceutical industry where she became a European Director of Bayer and subsequently of Siemens Medical. She returned to clinical practice a few years ago and founded The Not Said Clinic. Veronica has a Masters in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from UCD and St Vincent’s Hospital.

She established the NSC (Not Said Clinic) in an effort to assist the several people who suffer in silence, both in their working environments or in their personal lives as she had experienced the toll an over busy life can have on the mental health of a person, regardless of age. It was always her goal to establish a safe secure environment where people could find time for themselves and perhaps even re-find a little of themselves.