Introduce your brand to the world with Timeline page and be a winner in your business.....

Everything you thought you knew about Facebook Fan Pages has changed!. On Feb 29th Facebook announced that all pages are migrating to the new Timeline layout. They are giving business owners time deadline of March 30th to upgrade to the new format. 

Business Owners- If you own a business and you're not on Facebook yet, this is the perfect time to get started. If you get on Facebook now, you're literally levelling the playing field.

We are glad to help you to create Facebook Timeline pages for your Business.

Why we need Facebook Timeline Page?

Your Facebook Timeline Page is basically a profile for your business. Set one up so that your customers can “like” your business on Facebook. When they “like” you, you can get your messages in front of them.

What's it Good For?:

  • Promoting your company
  • Posting announcements
  • Running promotions
  • Offering specials
  • Sharing photos, videos,  and links
  • Encouraging people to like your Brand
  • Getting people to sign up for your newsletter



Facebook Timeline Pages Benefits:

While Facebook Timeline Page work much the same as other PPC or Pay Per Click ads do, there are a few significant differences.

  • Facebook allows you to narrow your Timeline Page to be seen by more specific demographic (i.e. Cover Photo, Location and often interest).


  • On Facebook, targeting with keywords is optional
  • Facebook Fan Page are delivered direct to your target audience right on their profile pages



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