How to reach hidden recipients in Facebook Ads ads and how to reduce advertising costs

Find hidden interests that your competition doesn't use. A tool to search for 1000 hidden interests based on a keyword through the official Facebook Marketing API.

No more problems with expensive ads

By checking the technical documentation from Facebook Marketing API, I found a way to reach hidden interested groups. Facebook doesn't just hide interest groups. Groups and pages where you can address your ads are also hidden.

Most people who create ads have no idea about hidden audiences,
and many people hide knowledge about it.

SalesMiles Interest Explorer will help you search for hidden interests and reduce advertising costs. During one search, the tool will download up to 1000 results per given keyword. For comparison, the standard Ad Manager searches for up to 25 results of the most-popular keywords. So in short, it means that you will compete in the same group as others.

You will create unique target groups using the SalesMiles Interest Explorer tool.

Become an ad master with Interest Explorer

You will reduce advertising costs
Facebook ADS

You will create a unique target group with hidden interests

You will stop fighting
with competition

Sounds interesting? Check below what the tool offers and how you can get access.


Discover hidden target groups

Search for hidden interests based on the keyword and language selected. The Interest Explorer application connects to the Facebook Marketing API and downloads up to 1000 target group search results.


Facebook shows 25 results by default

In the ad manager, by default, Facebook shows the 25 most-popular and largest results. Using Interest Explorer, you will choose from among 1000 results and you will stop competing in popular target groups. Additionally, by working on smaller groups, you are able to reach your target group more precisely. As a consequence, you'll lower the cost of your ad.


You will avoid a price fight

By choosing the right target group in Facebook ADS and using Interest Explorer, you'll create a unique audience. You will avoid using the most popular interests and thus reduce the cost of advertising.

Do you want to reduce the cost of ads?
and reach your customers precisely?

By purchasing the Interest Explorer tool you will receive:

- unlimited interest group search
- access to quick check of where the group comes from
- training in using the Interest Explorer tool
- 24/7 support
- all upcoming updates in the tool
- 30 day money back guarantee *

PS. SalesMiles is fully compliant with Facebook regulations and uses official data from the Facebook API.

Facebook Hidden Interest Explorer by SalesMiles

* 30 day money back guarantee

We will refund you money if your campaigns don't produce results within 30 days of activating the application. A necessary condition is to use the Interest Explorer application to create target groups.

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This site is not part of Facebook Inc.


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