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Stand Out From The Crowd, Free Up Your Time and Start Profiting Before Anyone Else When You Unlock The Advanced Pro Version Of Notifio

Here Are All The Advanced Features Of Pro Version That Would Take Your Copy Of Notifo To The Next Level:

1-Click Scheduler For Your Notifications

Schedule all your web push notifications months in advance with the built-in easy to use scheduler. No need to login to the app repeatedly to send a new notification when you can simply schedule all your notifications in a single sitting by scheduling all your web push notifications. Easily set up holiday promotions for a particular month and save a ton of your time by scheduling all your clients notifications in advance.

Daily Reminder Notifications

Set up a daily reminder for a particular notification that would remind the subscribers of a particular offer or a special promotion on a daily basis without the need to log in back to the app and sending notifications manually. The reminder ensures that each one of your subscribers get at least once reminder every 24 hours. This would ensure maximum earnings and profits for both you and your clients.

Stylize Your Widget

Instantly stylise the looks and feel of the subscribers-getting browser prompt widget with an easy to use styler that offers 100% customizability. Change the background color of the prompt widget or change text colors to match with a website’s branding or customize everything as per your clients’ demands. Button text is also customisable and you can use all major foreign languages. This is great because you can now close even non-english speaking clients.

1-Click Subscribers Export

With just a single click of your mouse, you can export all the subscribers associated with a widget or a website to a .CSV file. All the important data like country, state, IP address and more are saved into these files that you can then forward to your clients. Alternatively you can forward send the exports directly to your clients, all from inside the app.

Dedicated Reporting Centre

You also unlock a dedicated reporting centre where you can check the performance of all the notifications that you have sent for yourself or have sent on your clients’ behalf. Instantly see which of the notifications is getting you the most clicks and get all the insight so you could optimise your campaigns to make the most from every notification that you send out.

Only $37

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