Finally! A Top Proven And Successful Strategy That Can Rake In Tens of Thousands Per Month In Your Real Estate Business!

Yes, I want it! 👍🏽   

Controversial opinion time:

I absolutely love it when people are behind on the taxes on their home.

Yes, I have empathy for their dire situations. I’ve worked with scores of these home owners and felt the desperation in their eyes.

.But I try to make the best out of a bad situation, and create a win-win in the process.

I’ve worked with nearly many of these sellers since getting into real estate investing in 1997. They are stressed out beyond belief, can’t sleep, and they NEED to be out of their homes.

So it goes without saying that these people present excellent homes to find, buy and invest in.

So let me tell you about my self-developed system for getting your hands on these wildly underpriced properties.

By definition, a system has more than one step. And the system in my course, House Flipping Guide: Marketing to Owners with Delinquent Property Taxes has just 3 steps in total:



Yes, I want it! 👍🏽   

Step 1: LOCATE

How do you find these sellers? The more distressed the better – because these are the guys that need the most help, and these are the guys will sell to you for the best deal. Remember: hyper motivated.

Some are on public lists, but many are not. And to complicate this even more, these public lists are often not even updated or kept accurate.

I’ve discovered better sources to pinpoint the delinquent owners in any ZIP code. It’s actually pretty sneaky, yet 100% legal.  The beauty of this is that these “hidden” owners are getting much fewer people reaching out to them. It’s a captive audience. Once you have the contact info, just pick up the phone or shoot them a text. It’s that easy.


Paradoxically, even though delinquent owners have the most to gain by getting out of their homes, they’re also some of the most difficult to motivate to sell. That is… unless you know what you’re doing.

A lot of these homeowners have “buyer blindness.” Their phones and doorbells are ringing non-stop with “vultures” (their word, not mine) trying to swoop on their home. A high percentage of these owners are older Americans who have owned their homes for decades, and they’re highly jaded about being in delinquency. And for many, they feel like not acknowledging it will somehow make the problem go away.

In the course you’re about to get your hands on, I show you how to dodge this baked in resentfulness and totally flip the script. It’s almost like a jedi mind trick: you can fly in under the owner’s radar and re-frame yourself as a helper – not just another vulture:

 You can help them out of a traumatic financial situation.

 You can help them get this boulder off their shoulders.

 You can help them get the tax man off their back.

Starting to see the angle here?

I’ve had people whose first interaction with me be a furrowed brow and a slammed down phone. But just weeks later, they were smiling, high-fiving me, and handing me the keys.
Just like the Wolf of Wall Street has a script that’s psychologically designed to make people say yes to a pitch, so too does my contact method quickly, easily, and ethically disarm the seller, perk up their ears, and make them think, “hold on a second, let me hear this guy out…”


Remember, this isn’t an organized company you’re dealing with. This is a whole ‘nother world compared to commercial real estate or new builds. People in distressed financial situations don’t always have their paperwork neatly on hand or their ducks in a row, and many an investor has thrown up their hands from frustration and overwhelm from trying to close a messy deal.

Closing the sale is like doing the dishes. If you let the work pile up, it’s going to be a hell of a lot harder in the long run. Part of my course is full of checklists, fill-in-the-blank contracts, and tips I learned the hard way about streamlining and simplifying the whole process. It’s very “color by numbers” because I’ve done this many times and I’ve seen just about every crazy-hair contingency you can think of.

But I’ve learned from those mistakes so you don’t have to.

See, it’s not that it’s harder to close on a delinquent seller. It’s just different. There are a few variables and pitfalls that if you don’t think to look for ahead of time, you’ll be in for a lot of financial pain and you might even lose the sale.

This whole course is only $97

It used to be $1997.

My logic here is that even on your very first sale, which you’ll probably do within the next few weeks or so if you listen to this course,  you’ll easily make at least 50X on your investment.

Realistically more like 100X or 200X.

If you made 100X returns in the stock market, you’d be on the cover of Forbes.

Make a 100X return off this course and people will just look at you sideways.

That’s the incredible opportunity in this industry. (And people ask me why I do real estate investing versus stocks or Forex… Ha!)

One last thing!

This course is SHORT and value dense. You can breeze through it in under 2 hours.

But the critique I hear from my students is that you should listen to this baby twice. I don’t speak in fluff or theory. This is all tactical. I’m not a novelist and this isn’t my life story. I built this course for speed.

And of course, when you buy this course once, you get access forever.   Get a pin and note pad and listen to this at your own pace. It’s about to be your new best friend and your leverage point for building a healthy, wealthy portfolio.

All for just $97.

Let me show you how to close on those delinquent properties like a pro.

Your next sale is out there waiting for you. Let me give you the tools to help you take their property off their hands, flip it, and put some cash in your pocket

Happy closing,

Gerald E. Harris

Yes, I want it! 👍🏽