Fast Flip SEO Backlink Service

POWERFUL Backlink Service Pumps 1,000s
Of PR1+ Contextual Links To Your New or Older
Moneysites, YouTube Videos & Tiered Links
On Complete Auto-Pilot


ATTENTION: SEO Agencies, Affiliate Marketers & Local Business Owners Stop Doing Backlinks Yourself and Getting Terrible Results, Let The Pros Do It While You Kick Your Website Traffic Into High Gear!

Dear Online Business Owner,

If you'd like to finally do your links right, WOW! your clients and kick your website traffic into high gear, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.

My name is Phill MacDonald. I'm a degree certified SEO and Internet marketing consultant with over 12 years experience in the online world. I'm not a professional copywriter, but what I have to share with you will change your business and let you take back the time you lose doing backlinks yourself, so I just had to sit down and tell you about it.

So please bear with me a little...

You have a great product, SEO service or affiliate product, but your backlinking strategy or SEO is just NOT getting the job done. It's lethargic. Unproductive. Unresponsive. Bottom-line, it sucks.

You know that, with just the right high-quality SEO backlinking you could turn "disappointed" clients or sluggish affiliate sales into "Ecstatic" clients and server crushing traffic to your website faster than ever before.

But the question is, which backlinking strategy is it?

That's why I recently decided to put together a great professional backlinking service to help you get the results and success you're looking for without the hassle and headache of messing with complicated software, harsh Google Slaps or putting backlink campaigns together that just plain don't work.

Here's the ranking of a test website I did after Penguin 2.0 hit


#4 on Google in 10 Days

As you can see #4 in 10 days, and that's with minimal content and just a few YouTube videos on my website.


And here's another 1st page Google ranking for a client after Penguin 2.0 with my backlinking

The penguin finally gave up there after about 7 days smiley

And here's a testimonial from one of my clients...

Barney Testimonial


Now Here's What You Get With My Proffesional One-Stop Autopilot Backlink Service

  • All links I build for you are PR1+ and above from my Own LIST of sites not SPAMMED to death by other marketers (The Google Panda penalty Slapped marketers by putting links onto 0 or n/a PR link farms and bad neighborhoods)
  • All the backlinking I do for you is run off of a fast professional Virtual Private Server that is on 24/7 with dedicated proxies to make your link profile look slow and natural to the search engines (most backlink services run off of their own computers and no proxies so they end up getting found out by Google)
  • All content is Ultra Spun to 75% or higher uniquness and I use a technical algorithm to add super spun LSI & Longtail keyword variations to all of your Tier 1 and 2 links for maximum effect (Most backlink services don't even know that this is important to the search engines, and they're not even doing it)
  • Covariation contextual links for a maximum link juice PUNCH of backlink Justice. (contextual links within your content are the most powerful & valuable links to have, and once again other services will just throw your link at the bottom of the page while doing a huge disservice to you)

  • Relevant and varied images on every blog property link you get with keyword specific Title & Alt tags (once again other backlink services are dropping the ball on this or not even doing it)
  • A 30/36/34 percent anchor text variation link pattern of 30% keywords, 36% branded/related and 34% generic terms that keep you out of the Penalty Sand Box (The Penguin slapped a bunch of marketers recently for keyword heavy anchor text over-optimization, don't worry about that with my service because I keep everything squeaky clean)
  • ...And hundreds or 1,000s of links in a powerful tiered structure to keep your money site safe over a 7 to 9 day dripped period.

  • You also get much more on top of all the services I've outlined above so...


Okay Phill, How Much Is This Professional Backlink Service?

Actually, compared with what you get, it's a lot less than you'd expect. Listen, my SEO service fees at the moment are minumum $1,500 per client. Yes, per client. And my original local & national backlink services cost as much as $500.

But you don't have to pay that much today. You don't even have to pay $400$300 or even $100.

The price for this Professional Autopilot backlink service is just...


Buy Now

Less than a dinner for two out on the town.

Why so low? Simple. I don't want price to be an issue here. I truly believe in helping business owners & agencies get spectacular results. I believe that's the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That's why I priced it so low. So money wouldn't be an issue. Besides, if you're not completely over yourself with happiness on my final report I will do it again for you until you are.

However, I might change my mind about the price. If I do the price shoots up considerably. So don't wait. Don't mess around.


Get This Today & Sit Back While I Do All The Heavy Backlinking for You

Think about it. What will you do if you have to start doing backlinking yourself again? Will you still be struggling to make is work, while competitors who have this down blow your client's or your websites away on the search engine battlefield?

Or will you be enjoying the exhilarating feeling of selling your products and services online, on autopilot?

I've gone through the pain of figuring it out. Now you don't have to. Don't pass up an opportunity to leave this part up to a qualified person who understands this forward and backward. You have absolutly nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Looking forward to helping you get massive amounts of backlinks and results...

Here's to your success,

Phill MacDonald
Fast Flip SEO





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