Learn To Play The Guitar In Just 7 Short Days!

"Discover how to go from total newbie to playing your favorite songs in just 1 week."


Dear Future Guitarist,

There are few skills in life more fulfilling than being able to play music. Music is part of the every day fabric of life and a natural expression of the soul. Playing the guitar is especially fun and offers endless musical possibilities.

Learning to play the guitar however, can sometimes be daunting and incredibly time consuming. Driving to and attending regular 'live' lessons requires an incredible investment of time, money and discipline. Often weeks are spent learning minute details and complex musical theory just so you can play a few of your favorite songs. Many people quit their lessons because they find the hassle, expense and boring details just suck all the fun out of it.

Don't get me wrong, in depth lessons are fine for someone who wants to work toward becoming a virtuoso but if you want to just learn to play the guitar for your own fun and enjoyment live lessons are just too much of a pain. However if you want to master the fundamentals of making music on the guitar and be able to start playing your favorite songs in 7 days (or less) then I have just the ticket!



Mastering The Guitar In 7 Days!

Fun And Easy Course in PDF format


Just take a look at what you will learn...


Day 1- Guitar basics and fundamentals

Day 2 - How to play open chords

Day 3 - Major scales, minor scales and more

Day 4 - Notation and key signatures

Day 5- Tablature

Day 6 - Power chords and strumming patterns

Day 7 - Playing the songs


This is NOT your grandpa's guitar course. You will be learning and playing songs all the way through your lessons and will be ready to play your favorites within just 1 week!

And the cool part all of this is that you can instantly download this course and get started within minutes for the crazy low price of just $7 one-time payment.

So what are you waiting for? Get Mastering The Guitar In 7 Days now start learning the guitar today!


Download it now




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