We are mad as hell and not going to take it any more!

Introducing The Government Repair Manual: The Meaning and Exercise of Liberty by Corey Daniels



The Government Repair Manual is a manual for revolutionary change in our form of government.

This manual will show you how you can turn this broken, inefficient, wasteful, totalitarian, government back to the freedom loving, prosperous, wonder of industrious power it once was. I can't do it myself so I am enlisting your help. This manual will show you;
  • What the designers had in mind
  • How it got broke(in more ways than one)
  • Disassemble Procedure
  • Cleaning and Refurbishing
  • Rebuilding plans
  • Preventative Maintenance (Due diligence)
  • The Marvel of a Well Oiled Machine in Action
Here is an excerpt from the book; Imagine the new America. This is what we could have for us and our children and their children. If we don't stand up and make a change, our children's potential will be stripped from them as they are born into a system of corruption, debt, waste, deceit and stagnation. That waste of their potential future is the taking of a life. In reality it amounts to mass murder. A genocide of the American youth. With a free government based on the principals of freedom and liberty our children will be born into a world with;
  • No taxes, only voluntary purchases of valuable services.
  • No government welfare which steals from one to pay another, thus rewarding unproductive behavior.
  • No government waste.
  • No government fraud.
  • No bureaucracy.
  • No unnecessary wars, because wars are expensive and no company wants to put itself out of business.
  • No paying for prisoners to rot idly in prisons.
  • No tax evasion because there are no taxes, you pay for what you use and what you need.
  • Perfectly maintained roads.
  • Quickly responding security forces.
  • Wide selection of schools and healthcare providers.
  • An abundance of jobs.
  • An abundance of start up capital for new businesses.
  • Rapidly advancing technology which quickly goes to market to beat the competition.
  • Abundance of organic food because of reduced government regulation on farming.
  • No Internal Revenue Service or wasting time preparing tax returns.
  • No taking money from the people to pay for a giant government bureaucracy.
On the other hand, we can continue down the path of an ever-expanding totalitarian government, which will give us;
  • A high rate of taxes of 40%-70%.
  • Crumbling roads made by the government which has no competition and hence no incentive for good quality.
  • Dysfunctional schools which teach herd mentality and use animal training methods to teach obedience.
  • Never ending wars to provide easy profits for the military/industrial complex.
  • Slow response police forces which are stretched thin by government cuts due to a poorly budgeted and wasteful government.
  • Inefficient and expensive healthcare which is protected from competition by government laws and control.
  • Lack of start-up capital for entrepreneurs and lack of new jobs due to money being invested in other countries with lower tax rates and less government regulation such as social security payments for employees.
  • Lack of choice in government as the power feeds on itself to create a more tightly controlled, less open system.
  • More terrorism as the government uses false flag attacks to justify the endless wars for profit of the military/industrial complex.
  • More real terrorist attacks as the countries' military is used to expand the power base into other countries by staging coups and manipulating foreign countries to enforce their will.

In The Government Repair Manual I have created a detailed system of replacing the government with a system which is decentralized, thus preventing corruption in the future.

The system outlined in The Government Repair Manual would limit the power of people who wish to use the government to further their own ends. It is a system based on libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism but is unique in it's application. A system of contracts, randomly selected panels and private organizations would create a form of government which would operate without taxation, without corruption and no private deals of people using tax money to aid their supporter's companies.

One big problem in the libertarian/voluntarist/anarcho-capitalist community is the lack of a clear plan which eliminates the ambiguities of how the system would work. This creates confusion in people learning about how such a system would operate.

I have hammered out the details of how such a system would work. I have solved the problems which people worry might happen under such a system, such as the influence of large corporations, how defense companies would be kept in check, how the poor would be helped, how we would defend the country against foreign armies, how roads would be built, how schools would operate, how the criminal justice system would operate, how the environment would be protected, how we would pay the national debt and entitlements currently owed such as social security.

Learn how this system works, learn why our current governments do such a bad job, learn how you can prosper under the current system, how to prepare for the coming collapse, how we can create a better system and how to protect it in the future.

While it does cover a lot of subjects, it is not a lengthy or hard to read book. It is meant as a overall guide for the revolution. The book is only 44 pages long, but is crammed with a ton of valuable information. My future plan is to expand each section into a full volume. These future works will include a detailed book on the New World Order, it's roots, plans, development and goals.

A book and video on a complete detailed look into how the new government would operate, expanding on the overall plan laid forth in The Government Repair Manual.

Your purchase today will directly help the publication of these works.


This package includes both the digital and printed copies of The Government Repair Manual

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